Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Discussion Prompts 15.21-41

The Text: Page 38.21-39.26 Chapter 15.21-41
• Read the text aloud to each other.
• This text is the apex of Mark’s narrative. You may want to simply read this text from two or three different translations and spend the rest of you time together in prayer.

Discussion Questions:
• Discuss all Mark wants us to know about the characters in this account:
    o Simon and his sons
    o The mockers: soldiers, passersby, religious leaders
    o The centurion
    o The women
• Discuss all we can learn about Jesus:
    o Why was he unable to carry his own cross?
    o Why did he refuse the wine/myrrh?
    o Why is he silent for so long?
    o Why cry out in the loud voice to God, and at his last breath?
• Why do you think Mark has waited until now to tell his listeners about the women who followed and served Jesus when he was in Galilee? Compare the other times the word ‘serve’ is used in Mark: 1.13 of the angels, and 10.45 when Jesus says his purpose is to serve and not be served. How does the absence of the male disciples emphasize Mark’s depiction of these women who understand following and serving?

Application reflections
• Have we ever, like Simon, been compelled to serve Jesus? What was that like and what happened?
• Are we following the example of Jesus, and of these women, by following and by serving?


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