Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Discussion Prompts 14.53-72

• These few verses are extraordinarily intense and complex, not to mention emotionally distressing. Let’s allow ourselves to enter into the full experience of this event both from Jesus’ perspective and from Peter’s testimony to his own failure.

The Text: Page 36.14-37.20 Chapter 14.53-72
• Read the text aloud to each other.

Discussion Questions:
• Spend some time in observation: who, what, when, where, repeated words. Also reflect on some of the connections in this story to earlier stories in Mark’s narrative.
• Mark tells a story within a story: Jesus’ trial and condemnation are sandwiched within the story of Peter’s failed attempt to follow Jesus. What is Mark hoping to emphasize by doing this?
• Discuss everything you can find about ‘witness’ in this story. Then craft a textual definition of God-honoring witness.
• Discuss the contrast between Jewish religious leadership, the rulers of the Temple, and Jesus, the Son of God who lives and proclaims the Kingdom of God.
• Why do you think Mark includes this story about Peter, especially since Peter is Mark’s source for much of this gospel?
• Why does Peter fail in his attempt to follow Jesus to his death?

Application reflections
• Tell some personal stories of witnessing including both positive examples as well as times when we, like Peter, failed to be a faithful witness.
• Are there ways we have become distracted by ‘temples’ built by human hands to the extent that we, like the elite Jewish leadership of Jesus’ time, are completely missing the Son of Man, the Christ?


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