Monday, November 30, 2009

Discussion Prompts Mark 5.21-43

The Text: Mark 5.21-43, Page 10.27-12.9
  • Read the text aloud to each other. Notice the story within a story and be thinking about how the story of the healed woman shapes the meaning of Jairus’ story.
  • What impacted us from the sermon on this section?
Discussion Questions:
  • Discuss everything we can learn about Jairus in the first few verses: his position, his need, his approach to Jesus…Why do you think Jesus agrees to go with Jairus?
  • Discuss everything we can learn about this woman: her condition and situation, her secret approach to Jesus, her fear at Jesus’ seeking her. Why does Jesus have this public conversation with her? Why not just let the woman alone? How has the woman demonstrated faith? Why do you think Jesus calls her ‘daughter’?
  • Discuss everything we can learn about the disciples, and the crowds: how does their experience of Jesus differ from that of Jairus and the woman? Why? Surely some of the people in the thronging crowd touched Jesus’ garments – why were they not healed? Why are the disciples so sarcastic?
  • Finish discussing Jairus and his daughter and wife. What does Jesus want Jairus to learn from the woman’s story? Does Jairus demonstrate faith? How? How about Jairus’ daughter?
Application reflections
  • Are any of us in situations like that of Jairus and this woman – we’ve exhausted all avenues of hope and help available to us and our culture? What does faith mean for us? How can we have faith in Jesus, and not be overcome by fear? Are there practical steps we can learn from Jairus, and the woman, about expressing faith in Jesus and his kingdom?
  • What allows people to connect with Jesus’ transforming power? That is to be like Jairus and the woman, and not like the thronging crowds and the sarcastic disciples?
  • Mark, in these four stories, presents the kingdom of God as a comprehensive solution to human helplessness and despair, to the failures of science and technology. Do you agree with this idea that the kingdom God is the ultimate solution for human well-being?
Community Building
  • Brainstorm a way we can demonstrate faith in contrast to fear this Christmas season. 

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