Monday, November 2, 2009

Discussion Prompts Mark 4.1-34 Part 1

Community Building
  • Continue to brainstorm about externally focused activities you might try for Thanksgiving and Christmas season: follow up on your Love Chico involvement, invite international students to your holiday celebrations, volunteer at Jesus Center or Torres Shelter, Christmas gifts to foster home children…….
The Text: Mark 4.1-34, page 7.12-9.11
  • Ask someone who enjoys reading aloud to read these verses.
  • What impacted us from Lou’s sermon on this parable?
Discussion Questions:
  • Make some basic observations: who, what, where, repeated words and themes, contrasts, definitions….
  • Pass out the sower worksheet and explain that we will discuss these parables in two sessions: this one devoted only to the parable of the sower; and next week focusing on the other stories and parables.
  • Discuss the questions on the worksheet and any other insights that really strike you.
  • Make a one sentence summary of the central point of this parable. 
Application reflections:
  • What was it in you that prompted you to respond when Jesus planted his word in you heart and mind?
  • How are you doing in terms of fruitfulness? Is there something hindering you?
  • Reflect on the idea from this parable that Jesus initiates change in our life: his word causes us to respond. How can we best cooperate with the transformational impact of this word? 

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