Mark 1.1-13
Community Building
- Make sure everyone knows one another. Be as creative as you like: pictures, games….
- State your enthusiasm, hopes and dreams for the group, using the themes of Marking Your Mark (see website:
- Agree on any group guidelines: discussion, not lecture; when, where, and duration of weekly gatherings; childcare; external focus activity….
- Pray for your group in the coming weeks
The Text: Mark 1.1-13
- Ask some who enjoys reading aloud to read these verses to the group.
- Discuss all the things you can learn about Jesus from these verses:
- Mark says he is God’s son
- He is linked to the good news: it is about him
- He is prepared for: in Isaiah, by John
- He is baptized
- He hears God speak
- He is responsive to the Spirit’s direction
- He was tempted directly by Satan
- Other observations…..
- What is the most important thing you think Mark wants us to understand about Jesus?
- John preaches a “baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins”.
- If you were using only this text, and forgetting all your theological/church knowledge: how would you define ‘repentance’ from this text alone?
- From what you know of Old Testament law and the temple sacrificial system, how is John’s message about ‘forgiveness of sin’ different from Jewish understanding of how sin was forgiven?
- How does John fulfill the Isaiah prophecy? How is repentance and baptism a preparation for ‘he who is mightier than I’?
- Why is Jesus baptized?
- Why does the Spirit drive Jesus into the wilderness?
- Do you think our group discussion of Mark these coming weeks can help you in your spiritual life? How?
- What is your own experience of baptism and repentance, of confessing your sins? Have you been baptized? What was that experience like?
- How might be practice public repentance in the coming weeks?
- How can we pray for each other this coming week?
- Pray together.
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