Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Discussion Prompts 12.28-34

  • What do you think is the most important action or attitude for a follower of Jesus to live out?
The Text: Mark 12.28-34 Page 30.2-18
  • Read the text aloud to each other. Look back over the rest of chapter 11 and 12 and review the different questions Jesus has been answering during this visit to the Temple.
Discussion Questions:
  • Discuss the tone as well as the content of this question, and of Jesus’ response. How is it similar to other questions and answers in the past few stories? How different?
  • Why do you think that Jesus sites two commandments rather than only one?
  • Talk for a bit about how Jesus himself models obedience to these two commandments. How are Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem, his debating with national and religious leaders, his focus on training the disciples, his miracles and teaching, his death and resurrection – are these examples of what it means to love the one God completely, and love your neighbor?
Application reflections
  • If you could ask Jesus just one question, what would it be?
  • What does suffering and sacrifice have to do with loving God and our neighbor?


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