Monday, April 5, 2010

Mark 10.13-16

  • Reflect on our Resurrection celebration last week, and how living life anew dovetails with the Acts 1.8 emphasis we are beginning.
The Text: Mark 10.13-16 Page 23.22-28
  • Read the text aloud to each other.
Discussion Questions:
  • Spend a few minutes reviewing the context of this discussion: Jesus’ comments to the disciples about their argument about who is the greatest, and Jesus’ comments about the first/last/first, his warning to the disciples about abusive leadership, and his discourse on marriage(Mark 9.30-10.12).
  • How does this story about welcoming children fit in the larger context of the first/last/first discussion?
  • Why do you think the disciples are having so much trouble understanding Jesus’ welcome for the least?
  • What does it mean in this context to receive the kingdom as a child?

Application reflections
  • Who was it that brought you into Jesus’ presence, to be welcomed by his embrace? Did you, or your faithful friends, encounter any resistance when seeking Jesus’ countenance?
  • Who are we bringing into Jesus’ embrace? Are we encountering resistance? How?
  • How can we display the childlike receptivity of a child?
  • How do we identify with the least?







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