Mark 9.30-41, Page 21.29-22.21
- Did you have cause this past week to pray in real dependence on God to face significant challenges? Did you experience God’s power?
The Text: Mark 9.30-41, Page 21.29-41
- Read the text aloud to each other.
Discussion Questions:
- Compare this announcement of his coming death and resurrection with Jesus’ first announcement 8.31, 19.19. What does it mean that Jesus ‘will be delivered into the hands of men…’? Who is doing this delivering? How does the idea that Jesus is being intentionally delivered impact your understanding of the gospel?
- Why are the disciples arguing about status? How does Jesus’ teaching about the first being last address the disciples’ argument?
- How do the stories of the child and the person casting out demons illustrate Jesus’ teaching about servanthood, that the first must be last?
- Application reflections
- What is our experience of how status and power are used in our work environments, and in our homes? Does it seem to be based on servanthood? How about in our church fellowship, or in our small groups? Are we practicing servanthood? Are there any areas where we need to make adjustments?
- Imagine for a bit that we are that child that Jesus took into his arms, and brought into the center of attention: how would that feel? Anything you would want to say to Jesus as he embraces us?
- Have we experienced Jesus’ promise that even apparently insignificant contributions to his cause are rewarded? Share some ways you feel you have experienced his reward for your service.
- Meditate for a few minutes on God’s decision to deliver Jesus to death and resurrection for our sake, and on Jesus’ faithful obedience to his Father’s plan.
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