Friday, January 29, 2010

Chapter 7.34-37, Page 17.3-26

The Text: Mark 7.24-37, Page 17.3-26
  • Read the text aloud to each other
Discussion Questions:
  • Spend a few minutes making observations: who, where, what…Pay special attention to where these stories take place, and to the contrast between the responses to Jesus in these two stories as compared to the previous story of the dispute with the Pharisees.
  • Why is Jesus in the region of Tyre and Sidon? What do you make of this unusual conversation between Jesus and the woman? Why does Jesus speak to her in a parable? What impresses you about her response? Why does Jesus answer her prayer after her response?
  • What happened the last time Jesus was in the Decapolis? (5.20). Where do you think this group of people ‘who brought to him a man’ came from? How does this man’s problem – no ears to hear, and inability to speak clearly – relate to the disciples’ development as Jesus’ apostles?
  • Why do you think Mark highlights the responsiveness of these Gentiles as contrasted by the Pharisees’ questions and the disciples’ mixed responses to Jesus?
Application reflections
  • Do we share Jesus’ priority of bringing the gospel to people in hard to reach places? What for us would be a hard to reach place – not only geographically, but emotionally or culturally?
  • What is the role of asking questions of those interested in the blessings of the gospel?
  • Have you ever had the experience of finding non-religious people to be more interested in Jesus and the gospel than the religious? Why do you think this is so?


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