Discussion Prompt Mark 6.1-6
The Text: Mark 6.1-6, Page 12.9-21
- Read the text aloud to each other.
- What impacted us from the sermon on this section?
Discussion Questions:
- Spend a few minutes gathering observations: who, where, what, connections to previous passages, repeated words…
- Talk about the questions people are asking and boil these questions down to just one question – what do you think the people are really saying? And why are they offended by Jesus?
- How do you understand Jesus’ comments about a prophet without honor? Why is Jesus amazed?
- What prevented Jesus from doing any miracles (other than heal a few sick?) What miracle do you think Jesus was hoping to do?
Application reflections
- Have you ever been offended by something the Lord said to you, or allowed to happen to you, or led you into? How did you respond?
- Does our faith really impact what Jesus is able to do for us?
- What makes is so hard to share our faith with those who know us best? Have you found anything that helps in these situations?
- If you have time go back and skim the four miracles that come before this story – the storm, demoniac, sick woman, and Jairus and his daughter – and note everything you can learn about faith. Is there anything that strikes you as new, a different way to express your faith in Jesus?
Community Building
- Brainstorm a way to share your faith with friends and family that is inoffensive.
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